Monday, July 9, 2012

Give and Get Balancing

What you want to give and what you want to get should balance
A person wants a million dollars and wants to do it by making sandwiches for the world
and makes a dollar per sandwich then he must make a million sandwiches

If  a store can sell 200 sandwiches per day he needs to have either 5000 stores to sell it
in a day or have to have 50 stores sell 200 sandwiches per day for 100 days
whatever combination you use the numbers should match up for the goal to be accomplished
and if one has to understand this math very well

All you expect from life and all you want to give should match up if a person wants to do a minimum responsibility job at a store and expect millions in return then that would lead to frustration and depression because both expectations and inputs wont match up

Always look and decide what you get and be ready to do what it takes to get that match up
use help from experts if you cannot figure out but this understanding can save one a lot of time and efforts
 Good luck balancing ..

Simple Way of Learning the basics

Simple way of learning in life is first to learn who we are and why we are on this planet?
knowing this should not be rocket science or spending entire life but some time a few days
at the most out of life

some simple useful things to start with is to accept
we are here and will have specific time and will pass on
we are here to be happy and fulfilled (lot of wise man before us have told us )
we can spend life questioning that or accepting the fact and move on - our choice
All our happiness and joys are attached or related to other humans for most people
spending time to help other people turns out to be the best way to help ourselves

There are 2 things you would expect from life
one is what will I give
Two what do I expect to get
and both of these have to match up

If what you want to give does not match up with what you want to get
you would get frustrated  it will be explained with example in upcoming chapters

Sunday, July 8, 2012

cannot have on your list did not play

It would be sad if a person comes to the end of life and realise that the life was only partially lived and that the person had missed upon so many good things in life only because of the fear of defeat or fear of loosing
 when we pass on from this life on our scoreboard there could be wins and there could be losses but it should never read DID NOT PLAY

Can you wait to share

You don't have to wait to be called a genius or expert to share
Every individuals life is unique and special and what you experience is unique and not comparable to others if you personally think what you have learned is going to be of an advantage to other people
and genuinely think that way go ahead and share it with others

May be what you share could turn out to be way more important to someone else than it is to you human life and experiences are unique so don't wait share it

You can be successful NOW!

Join the joy of sharing and becoming successful

The goal of million people project is to share the ideas learned during the joyful process called life and create ideas ,circumstances and facilities by which humans can interact and share good information by which every one's life gets better

At million people project we are beginning the process of becoming special and remarkable
and what makes a person remarkable is a simple decision to grow on a constant basis
once a person understands what life is for and embraces life the person becomes
remarkable because it is not the journey nor the destination but just the decision to become
special and live life to the fullest makes a person remarkable

A successful restaurant owner when asked when did he become successful ? said that it was when he decided to open a restaurant is when he became successful because as we all know success is our continuous movement towards a worthy goal so it is not the day one or the day 100 or even the day
when a person is closer to set objective but as soon as a person decides to become successful
he/she becomes successful because they have begun the journey

You can become successful right away it does not have to be after accomplishing something but you decide now and you are on the pathway to a worthy ideal or goal and you are successful
just do it

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Knowledge and Skills

Knowledge and skills
what we do during our lifetime is acquire knowledge and skills and use knowledge and skills
to help humanity achieve any objective and every person knowingly or unknowingly does that
 This module is to create awareness of the process
Gathering knowledge and skills starts as soon as we are born we use all our
5 senses to gather knowledge and as we grow older we learn skills
Knowledge is gained by using five senses  what we see ,hear ,taste ,smell or touch
and skills are gained by combination of mental and motor skills eg : playing a piano
or using a computer or painting or communications skills.
 Through out our life time we gather skill and use skill and this is what makes
us more or less valuable to human society
We see in our society that every individual is valuable to their family ,to the
surroundings and to their church or meeting group but what we are counting here
is becoming valuable in terms of what they can contribute to human society
and in plain monetary terms how much a person is paid is decided by the
level of knowledge and skills a person and acquired and how effectively they are
able to use it
 Therefore to become financially successful and valuable we must acquire the
best knowledge and skills we can gather and find ways to effectively apply those skills
and help a large number of people .
 The large number of people brings us to over next topic the math equation of income

Asking Better Questions

What makes the difference between the lives of people who achieve greatness in life
and the one's who live a mediocre life .?
 The difference is in the quality of questions they ask .
The  way we think is by asking questions .Take a moment to think about something
and you will realise that to think you will have to ask questions and series of questions
and with practice and added knowledge the quality of questions can be improved
and as we ask better questions and get better answers our quality of human experience
will start improving
 And once we ask better questions and get better answers we add to our question
one more element and that is yes this is the way to do this but how do I do it and
have fun doing it that is the core of human life
 Life is a journey and not  a destination so whatever we do we must enjoy the process
while we are after the results .The results without enjoying the process may not fulfil us
we will continue with what kind of questions into 2 broad categories
1 Questions that give us power and strength and make us enthusiastic and
2 Questions that take us in circles and make us feel powerless and dependent