Thursday, September 22, 2011

Asking Better Questions

What makes the difference between the lives of people who achieve greatness in life
and the one's who live a mediocre life .?
 The difference is in the quality of questions they ask .
The  way we think is by asking questions .Take a moment to think about something
and you will realise that to think you will have to ask questions and series of questions
and with practice and added knowledge the quality of questions can be improved
and as we ask better questions and get better answers our quality of human experience
will start improving
 And once we ask better questions and get better answers we add to our question
one more element and that is yes this is the way to do this but how do I do it and
have fun doing it that is the core of human life
 Life is a journey and not  a destination so whatever we do we must enjoy the process
while we are after the results .The results without enjoying the process may not fulfil us
we will continue with what kind of questions into 2 broad categories
1 Questions that give us power and strength and make us enthusiastic and
2 Questions that take us in circles and make us feel powerless and dependent

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